Create your online course over a weekend


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Generate an extra $10k a month with your audience



courses published


total course



years of

experience in tech


figure launch of the first course after 3 months in business

Are you a business owner who wants to create a digital course but you don't need all that "fluff" around?

You don't need robust a business course...


how to put together, record and publish a profitable course!

In this masterclass, I will show you how to go

from not knowing where to start

to launching your course within days.

1. Your "WHY" and choosing the right topic for your course.

2. Outlining your course.

3. Creating Course Content.

4. Putting your course together. 

5. Publishing and Launching your course to your audience. 

We'll talk about...

Who is this training for?

  • Online business owners, coaches, trainers, and consultants who are burned out with the constant 1:1 sessions and want to free up some of their time by turning their knowledge and passion into a scalable course so that they can spend more time with their family, friends, or doing hobbies.

  • Bloggers and influencers who are tired of random brand deals and want to create something that is 100% theirs, scale their impact, and enjoy more freedom.

  • Freelancers who want to turn their services into tangible products and have more control over their time and income.

  • Side-hustling 9-5ers wanting to just break free from their day jobs, and just travel to some exotic places and dring margaritas.
Watch now!

Whatever your dream is,

and you feel like creating and selling an online course will help make that happen,

I am here to make that come true

Hi I am Iwona, and I am here to


*in technical jargon KISS principle is "Keep it simple stupid"

My goal is to explain the intricacies of building an online business and brand simply so that you can enjoy doing what you do instead of dealing with all the fluff that you can find on the internet not knowing where to start and what to do next.

I know, I have been there. When I launched my first online courses business back in 2017 I felt like a child in a fog. I felt alone. I struggled and in the end, I burnt out. I closed the business and joined a tech startup.

It turns out that no matter what you are building, be it a course-based business, a software company, or a traditional business, the rules in that game are the same and I am back to show you how to join the global e-learning market that is estimated to be worth$ 648.6 billion by 2030.

The masterclass will save you hours of frustration, desperation, and doubt. I will answer the questions that are currently bugging you.

Let's skip the fluff and get to business...

Sign up for the masterclass